SCI Parking Signs

by Brent Follas, Senior NSO

As you may be aware the parking area in the Kansas City, MO VAMC for veterans with Spinal Cord Injury and Dysfunction (SCI/D) in the parking lot by the Patriot Store and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) does not exist anymore. The new parking spots are located across from the Freedom Tower Entrance. There are four spots and you will need a Red Placard like before. If you don’t have one then you can get one from Ann Culver, SCI/D Nurse in PM&R or Carrie Duncan, Neurology Nurse. Please display the Red Placard when you park in those spots. If you see a vehicle that does not have a Red Placard please report it to the VA Police. Some people still mistake them for regular handicapped spots and they are strictly 24 hour parking spots for veterans with SCI/D.

Also, please let your local National Service Officer know if you are having any issues with your VA Medical Care. For the past few years it appears that the spinal cord clinic has migrated to veterans with SCI/D have a regular Primary Care Doctor. I want to advise that if you have any concerns related to your SCI/D then to contact your Specialty Clinic, such as, the Spinal Cord Clinic Nurse or Social Worker or Neurology Nurse to address any specialty needs.